Please allow 2 business days for applications to be processed. Applications are processed each day from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

After School Care Information

  • Begins on August 2, 2024
  • Registration for the 2024-25 school year will not open until July 1, 2024.
  • Please see attachment below for tuition prices. Plans are paid weekly based on the number of days childcare is needed.
  • All children must be pre-registered to attend.  Please allow for the processing window when picking a start date for your child to begin. If your child is in 2nd grade at Manley or Russellville,  you will register for ESP at the Intermediate buildings.  2nd grade students at Alpha Primary will register for after school care at Alpha Primary. 
  • Children are provided a snack every afternoon. Please make your site director is made aware of any food allergies .
  • Afternoon operating hours are 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. and each ESP school site closes promptly at 6 p.m.. Late fees will be assessed for late pick-ups.
  • ESP for Pre-K children is only offered at the following locations: Russellville Primary, Manley Primary, and Union Heights
  • All past due balances from summer or the  previous school year must be paid before your child may attend after-school for the new school year.
  • 6th grade children are eligible to attend ESP at their elementary feeder school,  if a bus route already exists to accommodate transportation.  


The Extended School Program is a safe, affordable, DOE licensed facility where your children will be cared for by our well-trained staff. Students that are ages 4-12 years of age and attend a Hamblen County School are eligible for childcare.  ESP offers afternoon snacks, homework assistance, games, crafts, self-directed and group participation activities.


Stacy Gibson

Stacy  Gibson

ESP Program Director

