
Hamblen County School's Transportation Department
462 Snyder Rd.
Morristown, TN. 37813
Phone: 423.586.2103 Fax: 423.585.3769
Safely Transporting Your Children Today To Ensure Their Tomorrow
To report unsafe operations please call 423-586-2103
The goal for Hamblen County Schools is for your student to have an enjoyable and safe ride to and from school all throughout the year. In the past years, we have updated all buses with safety features that include crossing arms (these keep your child ten feet in front of the bus so the driver can see them cross in front of the bus at all times), video and camera systems, child reminders (drivers must walk to the rear of the bus to disable the back door and check to see that no child is left on the bus), and back up alarms. All buses are equipped with phone systems in case of emergency.
All Hamblen County School bus drivers participate in in-service activities and are required to attend a state sponsored training class for four hours per year. Our goal is to have highly qualified drivers and the safest equipment possible.
The HCDOE Transportation Department is dedicated to Hamblen County students and families. We strive to offer the safest and best quality transportation possible and desire open lines of communication.
Our office is open from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please call the number above for assistance.
Transportation Staff
Rodney Long
Transportation Supervisor
Alicia Depew
Angie Evans
Bus Routing/Secretary